The values we embody

We’re building an institution that embodies the values that matter to us:

  • Cardquant is neo-aristocratic. We believe that power should go to those with exceptional natural talent who also strive to maintain the strong moral character necessary to develop their talents and use them for good.
  • Cardquant is post-bureaucratic. We recognize that large bureaucratic organizations are fundamentally incapable of solving complex problems. When important decisions must be made quickly a single leader should have the executive power to act unilaterally before it is too late. When time is not of the essence then layers of administration impede and demoralize the few highly skilled people who actually solve the problems.
  • Cardquant is question-driven. We work on fascinating questions, many of which are open-ended, and do not rely on any one discipline to furnish us with the tools to build our solutions. The money we earn is fuel to help us find better answers, a stockpile to give us the time we need to find those answers, and a war-chest to protect our intellectual property and our team from those who would attempt to shut us down.

We also look for special qualities in our teammates:

  • Moral courage. It takes courage to work on problems that nobody else has solved before, and it takes courage to ask questions that the Global Bureaucracy doesn’t want you to ask. If you can point to key moments in your life where you have done the right thing in full knowledge of the social consequences, where your conscience gave you a strength you didn’t know that you had to endure pain that you didn’t want, then we would be proud to have you on our team.
  • Hyper-competence. You are very, very good at something, maybe more than one thing, and you are driven to excel by a personal devotion to excellence, rather than a fixation with competing with others. For you, beating people was only ever a way of keeping score.
  • Profound curiosity. You have so many questions, but the deep ones that you may not answer in your lifetime really fascinate you. The chances are that you’ll get to work on at least one of them here…
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