Do you want access to custom-built double board software that is not available to your competition?

If you would like to purchase a monthly subscription to a Pokermuscle Tools Double Board account, then please
place your order at this link.

Cardquant has a sister site, Pokermuscle, which we use for training our private clients. We are now offering paid access to a new ‘Pokermuscle Tools’ Double Board account to a wider group of ambitious and curious poker players.

You can watch a short instructional video explaining how to use the Pokermuscle Double Board Equity Calculator below:

The Pokermuscle Tools Double Board monthly subscription includes:

  • The Pokermuscle Double Board Equity Calculator (Buy 1, 2, or 3 games)
  • The Pokermuscle Range Builder for your selected game(s)
  • BONUS: The Pokermuscle Session Tracker (currently in Beta)